Why is this important?

Out of respect and honor for all who frequent. It’s important to know why certain rules and regulations have been put in place. It’s not to be argumentative. “I’m not”. I understand boundaries and a humble demeanor. There are issues around the globe that need to be addressed. With hopes that a small spark of life has a positive change in a way of life that is often foreign to human kind. Primarily due to personal environment and inequities. If you are going to listen in, it’s important to know that this is a “Safe Zone” and there is a zero tolerance for H8. It’s not what I’m willing to associate myself and the Company with.

We will “NOT” be participating in any brazen unlawfulness.

1. Improved Mental and Physical Health :
A peaceful life reduces stress, anxiety, and tension, which are major contributors to mental and physical ailments. Harmony promotes a balanced mind and body, leading to better sleep, stronger immunity, and a greater sense of well-being.

2. Stronger Relationships :
Living harmoniously fosters understanding, empathy, and compassion, strengthening bonds with our Spherical community. Peaceful interactions build trust and create a supportive network for personal and collective growth.

3. Clarity and Focus :
Peace brings clarity of thought, enabling you to make better decisions and stay focused on what truly matters. Without the noise of conflict or inner turmoil, you can pursue your goals with greater intention and purpose.

4. A Positive Ripple Effect :
My hopes are that people dance around the globe. When you embody peace and harmony, it influences those around you. Your calm presence can inspire others to adopt a similar mindset, creating a ripple effect that promotes unity and kindness in your community.

5. Fulfillment and Inner Joy:

A peaceful life allows you to align with your values and find contentment in the present moment. Harmony helps you appreciate life’s simple joys, leading to a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Choosing peace and harmony is not just about avoiding conflict—it’s about cultivating a life of balance, meaning, and positive energy for yourself and those around you.

The Company does not have an interest and will “NOT” be upholding anything different. We cannot get thrown off course.

Love, Peace, Harmony, and Rock and Roll. Because life is not the same with out it. “Part of the past – by show of discography as perceived by you, the audience. But shaping and cultivating the cutting edge of the new and experimental future”.

Welcome and thank you.


Willafter LLC.

Media Solutions

Newport Beach, Ca.